Adoptable Pets
Chico is a 10 year old 12 lb chihuahua mix. His owner died and he was left with nowhere to go. He’s good with other dogs, very affectionate, and loves to be by his persons side.. He’s a good, sweet boy. He does take heart medication and is on a special diet for prior bladder stones that shrunk.
$250 includes vaccines, dental, neuter, microchip, and heartworm test. If you are interested in adopting Chico please complete an adoption application on our website under Forms.
Meet Stormy, the fearless little, young 7 month old feline kitten who refuses to let his back legs slow him down! This sweet and spunky kitten is looking for a forever home where love knows no boundaries. Adopting a special needs cat like Stormy means transforming a life and discovering a love that’s beyond measure. 🌸💜☀️🐾😻 #StormyTheUnstoppable #SpecialNeedsCat #LoveWithoutLimits. He is unable to use his back legs, but he pulls himself all around just fine. He has no idea that he’s any different than any other 7 month old kitten. Stormy does need his bladder expressed multiple times a day which his foster will show you how to do.
He loves other cats and doesn’t mind dog friends either.
Adoption fee is $150 and includes all vetting, microchip and neuter. To apply, please go to
Specially-abled pets are likely to show immense love back for taking a chance on them. So, if you’re considering getting a new cat, don’t shy away from one that needs a little extra care — you might just find out that they are more affectionate and loving than you could ever imagine and be just what you wanted all along!
Woof woof, I’m Jax! I’m about 10ish year old and weigh about 20ish lbs. Humans call my kind a Rat Terrier. But im neither a rat nor a terrier, so I don’t get it. My foster momma says I’m very sweet, well behaved, calm, good with other dogs, and love people. I would love to find my furever home that can offer my belly rubs on demand. I do have some dry eye and need drops but they’re cheap and easy peasy to give. Adopt me and I will be your BFF and you can be mine!
$250 Adoption fee includes vaccines, neuter, heartworm test, deworming, and microchip. For more info email If you are interested in adopting please submit an adoption application on our website
Hanny is a Mountain Cur and Plott Hound mix mixed about 6 years old, she weighs about 45 pounds, very playful and calm girl that LOVES car rides. A home that will best suited Hanny would be an only dog home, although she is dog friendly with certain dogs, she can be territorial for her food and toys. She hasn’t been around children but she has never shown aggression towards any human. Hanny does great on a leash and loves walks! Nanny was abandoned by her family. She showed up on someone’s porch scared and hungry. Once she was let in she warmed up quickly and all she wants his cuddles. $250 Adoption fee includes vaccines, spay, heartworm test, deworming, and microchip. For more info email If you are interested in adopting please submit an adoption application on our website
Ty is a 7 years old male, rat terrier mix weighing about 15 lbs. He’s energetic, playful, athletic and super cuddly. He prefers humans over other dogs, however he gets along with them. His ideal living environment would be a home with a fenced backyard where he can run around chasing squirrels or lizards and have humans throughout the day to snuggle with or play with. He has good listening ears and will come back to you quickly when called. Loud noises such as storms and fireworks make him very nervous. Ty can be vocal when he is unsure of his environment like another dog or an unfamiliar sound. He is house trained, but may mark a new area.
$350 Adoption fee includes vaccines, neuter, heartworm test, and microchip. For more info email If you are interested in adopting please submit an adoption application on our website
Luna is looking for a loving home where she can be the only princess in the castle. She is an affectionate and loyal, boxer mix that will be 2 years old in January. Luna is spayed and healthy. She is 50lbs of love. She enjoys playing, sleeping, and being with her people. She prefers to avoids other animals in her home. Luna is a sweet loyal companion and you will be blessed to have her join your family. The contact is Renee at (954) 600-1178
Bruno is a 7 yr old 31 lb male French Bulldog with IVDD. He is good with other dogs, loves people, and is very easy going. He is partially disabled. He can walk but has a wobble. He has received three months of rehab and has made good progress although he’ll never be fully functional. Bruno wears a bellyband because he is incontinent and He does drop stool, but since it’s hard poopy balls, it’s easy peasy to pick up.. Not ideal but he is worth a good life. You see his owners got him the IVDD surgery after a spinal cord injury but never followed up on rehab. They left him in a crate in the garage in his own urine and feces. When he came into rescue his white fur was stained yellow and he smelled of urine. It took many bathes to make him clean. He was extremely thin and now he’s a butterball. $350 Adoption fee includes vaccines, spay/neuter, heartworm test, deworming, and microchip. For more info email If you are interested in adopting please submit an adoption application on our website
Meet little Madeline! 👋
🐶2 month old mix
🐾only 14 lbs. Expected to maybe be around 20ish lbs fully grown. 🛝She’s very playful, active and likes lots of attention.
🏃🏽♀️🎾👟She would do best in an active home with a fenced in yard and someone who works from home or is home a lot for training and socialization purposes.
*remember, puppies are a lot and need a lot of attention and are a lifetime commitment
$350.00 Adoption fee includes vaccines, spay, heartworm test, deworming, and microchip.
For more info email If you are interested in adopting please submit an adoption application on our website
*south Florida to central Florida adoption only. No adoptions outside of that location or out of state please.
Cleo is a 2 year old 21 lb female French Bulldog. She was rescued from a backyard breeder with 3 other Frenchies. They were kept in cages in the garage. Cleo is a beautiful Merle female with golden eyes. She loves to follow you wherever you may go. She enjoys the car and knows how to walk on a leash. She is good with other dogs and likes to play in the back yard. Cleo would do fantastic with a human who enjoys interacting with a fur baby. She will provide lots of cuddles and kisses. When she gets tired she will fall asleep in your lap.
$650 Adoption fee includes vaccines, spay, bloodwork,heartworm test, deworming, and microchip. For more info email If you are interested in adopting please submit an adoption application on our website